Truth |
tHe dRink
yOu lOok aRound
pEople hAvin' fUn
gRaspin' a cUp
iN tHeir hAnds
fIlled wIth lIquid
yEllow aNd hOrrid
sOmetimes cOlorless
aT tImes oDorless
yOu sEe sMiles aNd lAughter
gUys aNd gIrls
tOo bAd iT's fAlse,
tHe fEelings tHey're fEelin'
a mIst aNd eMpty.
tHe cUp tHey hOld,
tHeir gAteway tO bLiss
wIll tHey eVer fEel,
eVer eXperience,
tHat wHich iS
gEnuine hAppiness?
- dranem05
Truth |
a sOlution
gEnuine lIke tHe mOrning dEw,
wIthout tHe fOg oF tHe bRew.
tHe eUphoric bLiss oF kNowing,
tHrough yOur life yOu aRe sHowing,
hAppiness wIthout tHe dRink.
jUst tHink!
sEarch dEep iNside,
sHow yOur pOwer, yOur pRide.
yOu aLone cOntrol yOur fAte
tHe dRink wOn't oPen tHe gAte.
wHen tHe dRink iS gOne,
yOu aWake fRom tHe dReam.
aNd iF yOur hAppy wIth sElf,
tHe sMiles wIll rEmain,
lAughter wIll mAintain.
jOy nEver eNding....
gEnuine hAppiness
- griffon
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