"Not My Will...
But Thine..."
"This Path I Tread...
I Tread Alone..."

"I Sometimes Dream...
That One Day, Happiness Creeps My Way..."
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Without Bound

I wish you the greatest of seasons
A holiday filled with immense joy
A cherished time of family unity
Giving from the heart love without bound

- dranem05

     A Birthday
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Today makes Twenty,
Twenty years of Life.
A dozen and eight,
The number of your fingers...
And mine Interlaced.
Twenty years since you left
that womb so bright,
Bringing joy to many,
Sharing your light.
A special day for you,
And the first for me,
The first one we share
Since April...
When first shall we meet?

- dranem05

     Valentines Day
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He Who Holds

To You This Day
I Hope and Pray
That He Who Holds
Thy Heart May Say
The Things To You
That Ring True
And Carry You
On Heaven's Cue

- dranem05

This page was last updated on 12.14.04
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