interests resume projects sketches pics advice poems scripture 
Da GuEstBoOk YO!
YUP! It's da PICS page yo!
See, this is a learning
process. At first I was putting the pictures all on this one page. I had only
four so far and it took forever to load on the browser. So now, I am resorting to
links to the pictures. This way, it saves on your loading time. I want to give
a shout out to Laura, "What up chica!! Como esta?" =!;?)
She has been giving me some help on my website. You know, looking
at it everyday and commenting and stuff. She's a kool person. Check out her
website at It's
one of the things that gained her admittance into MIT early action.
Here are the links
jessica g. family
Winter Break 2000/2001
prom 1 prom 2 prom 3 prom 4