School Address
Home Address
403 Memorial Drive
1634 Virginia Avenue
Cambridge, Ma 02139
Palm Harbor, Fl 34683
(617) 494-8250
(727) 787-9634
Engage in a challenging position within Computer Science or Electrical Engineering.
Massachusettes Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA
Candidate for BS in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, June 2003 and MS, June 2004.
Relevant courses: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, Information Theory and Entropy, Circuits & Electronics, Artificial Intelligence, Japanese I
Complete by May 2001: Computer Architecture, Mathematics for Computer Science, Japanese II.
GPA: 3.5
Tarpon Springs High School (TSHS)
Tarpon Springs, FL
Salutatorian 1999. GPA: 4.18/4.0 Honors: Principal's Leadership Award, Who's Who Among American High School Students, Varsity Letterman - Track, Cross-Country, Wrestling.
Second Summer Program (Jan 13-28, 2000)
Cambridge, MA
Two week Engineering Design Workshop where teams invent, research, design, produce, and present a product with patent potential. Tools: webpage and design process, machine shop experience, presentation.
Youth Engineering Society (Y.E.S.) (Sept - June; 1994-1999)
Selective program in science and mathematics. Used mechanical engineering skills to build projects for competition. Gained extensive experience with working in teams, traveling, and the engineering process.
SECME Summer Institute (June 1996-99)
Attend and compete in YES/SECME competitions ona national level. Major project: Mousetrap Car, technical drawing and report. Skills attained: networking, traveling, team unity.
Delta Kappa Epsilon: House Manager, Rush Committee, Asst. Community Service Chair; Chi Alpha: Student Leader;YES: Co-director 1998/1999, Head Mousetrap Car Engineer 1995-1999; TSHS: President National Honor Society & Physics Club, Fellowship of Christian Athletes Group Leader, Wrestling Captain; Jiu-Jitsu: Blue-black belt, Instructors Choice Award; MIT: Project Interphase; Honors: Outstanding Engineering & Science Student, Best Overall Engineering Projects, First Place Mousetrap Car, Bridge, SECME National Qualifier, Tandy/Radio Shack Scholar, GTE & Army Academic/Athletic All-Star
Texas Instruments (June 12 - Aug 15, 2000)
Dallas, TX
Student Intern under the Wireless Business Communications Unit in the IC Design group. Primary responsibilities: Static Timing Analyses, Perl Programming, Wave Form Generation, and familiarity with Synopsys Design Programs, Timing Designer, and VHDL. Current Project: Automate timing extraction, calculation, and wave form generation by means of a Perl script.
UROP (Feb - May 2000)
Cambridge, MA
Research intensive program whereby our team continued R & D on our SSP creation.
Casper Inc: Homeless Shelter; 1M Boys & Girls Club in Somerville, MA; MIT City Days: Service Projects within the city (schools, churches, and more), 2000, 1999. High School - 200+ hours
Familiar with: Microsoft, Unix, & Linux Environments, MS Word, Excel, Frontpage, and Powerpoint; PERL, HTML, Pascal, JAVA2D, AutoCAD12 & 13, CADkey, Paint Shop Pro 6, Photoshop, EMACS, MATLAB, Synopsys Timing Designer, McAfee Vshield, Norton Antivirus, MIT SCHEME (Lisp).
Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship, American Jiu-Jitsu, National Society of Black Engineers, Anime Club, drafting (mechanical, architectural, and design), martial arts, artistic ability, wood working, basic epic storywriting, public speaking, clerical skills, sports