This is a program I was enrolled in during
the independent activites period (IAP) at MIT, January 2000. This program is phat --- in other
words --- this program is an intellectually stimulating activity whereby creative thought,
design, precise construction, team unity, and presentation can lead to a
patent of your very own product. It is also two weeks long hence very intense
-- my kind of program. Pressure is a good thing.... sometimes.
§ |
Asiedua Asante |
Danielle R. Lawrence |
Alberto Garcia |
Philip Vargas |
Diana V. Albarran |
Patrick Menard | |
:: TA's :: |
Karina I. Vielma |
Carla M. Merritt |
| |
This year, the teams must
design some kind of toy or game. There are six teams, and, as you probably already
figured out, they are competing against each other.
The program performed its function well. We had the chance to utilize the design
process to its fullest and produce our very own product. We learned valuable skills in
market research and analysis, the design process, the team experience, presentation, competition,
and more. We also were opened to the great amount of resources we truly had at our disposal.
This program is awesome and the learning process captivated everybody (although we
all were exhausted at the end of this two week intense experience). The bottom line
-- we researched, designed, produced, and presented an full apparatus of our very own.
The feeling of satisfaction can be no greater. |