
Summary - Strategy, Execution, and Design 



So checkit...  We wanted to develop a strategy that could take out almost any competitor.  We also wanted something that would score just enough points to ensure victory.  After several views and angles were taken under consideration, we chose a strategy which required speed and precision.  Allow us to share this strategy with you.

1. A robot that was fast yet could handle the precision required.

2. Begin by orienting itself... quickly.  If the robot faced the either the East or West directions, perfrom a 90 degree turn to the Southern direction.

3. Phase 1: Move in southern direction, score first egg, right or left face depending on side and initial orientation(black,white,N,S,E,W).

4. Phase 2: Book it to enemy territory, ready self for pillage op.

5. Phace 3: Steal enemy eggs, 3 in number.  Push them to the top of the the arena while dispersing them in three directions. Ready self for for strategic retreat.

6. Phase 4: Head back to the safe zone, strategically placing self in position to score 3 of our own eggs, utilize bump sensors to detect presence of enemy obstacle.

7. Phase 5: score... ready self for full offensive manuever against the enemy

This whole op would need to be completed in impossibly fast time.  We succeeded in this endeavor...

(Allocated Time):
(Defensive Op Time):
(Estimated Time of Pillage):
(Offensive Op time):
60 seconds
10-15 seconds
5-6 seconds
45 seconds


We decided on a 3 wheel design: one steering, two power.  Together, these 3 provided tight manuevering.  We could essentially turn on a spin impeccably fast and with the precision of turning on a dime.  Each rear wheel had two engines powering them. This was done so that the actual output speed would be as close as possible to the programmed output speed.  The front wheel was powered by a servo.  Bracing surrounded these parts to ensure stability and reliablity.  Finally, fang like appendages were added to the front of da Beast so that the pillage op would perform without fail.  In case of a wall collision, samll pulley wheels were added to these fangs to operate as a buffer (they would slimply roll along the wall and guide the car to a straight course).  The onboard computer and battery pack had a home on top of the vehicle where as the sensors were situated closer to the ground. Five photosensors lived underneath da Beast and two bump sensors thrive at the rear of da beast.

Here is version two of the final product.  Once newer pictures are attained, the full fledged Beast will be available for viewing.  Meanwhile, enjoy the look at the chasis (the most important part of da Beast).

Da Beast version 2.0
This page was last updated on 7/02/03
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