WINTER BREAK 2000/2001

Ashley B.

I met Ashley my senior year in High School. It's funny how we met. My track/Cross-country coach strolled up to me and said, "Pat, let's go recruiting. There's this girl, she is a sophomore, she is fast, she is smart, and she can run!" So we rolled up got her down to da office via office passes, took her to the track, and let her run a 1600 (the last 800 of which I ran with her). It was tight, and she could run. Da rest is history. Anywho, it just so happened that Ashley and I both came back down to Florida and visited the High School on the same day...

Here is Ashley...


and the last time I saw her before she went back to Villanova U.

...on da 'vette.



Ash and Jag,
Pat and Jag,
after Vanilla Sky

<=- -=>


Ashley chillin' on a couch
in me house.



She really liked this couch,
so I snapped a pic for her.


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