


    As you may have already guessed, this is the most important aspect of my life.  In almost everything I do, I try to put God first.   Granted, I am human and make mistakes.  Not one person on this earth can say they are faultless. 

    I grew up in a family where God was always spoken.   Ever since I was born practically, I was in church.   I am fortunate and I thank God that I had parents who knew of Him and raised their children to also know of Him and believe.  Being in church, however, is not what makes me a christian.   Anyone can go to church.  In fact many do just go to church to play the pious role  -- something God does not want.   What makes me a christian is my conscious decision to acknowledge the existance of God and His son Jesus Christ, accepting Jesus Christ into my heart and acknowledging Him as my savior, walking the walk and talking the talk.

    The Bible is my rule book.  It is my sword and my backbone.  It is the living word of God.  Living because in any age the contents of its pages relate to conditions at hand.  If ever I need an answer for something, there is probably a place in the Bible that has the answer.  Not only is it powerful, but it is full of profound and wise information and advice.  It would behoove any person to read it for it will always positively impact a life -- socially, economically, mentally, emotionally, the list goes on...

    Let's see, I accepted Jesus into my heart when I was going into 6th grade I believe.  Since then I've grown ever more aware.  My life rose to a different level.  Although I live in the world, I don't live the world.   Its hard to explain but I experience a level of tranquility.  Hakuna Matata ( i think its spelled like that).  For those of you who haven't seen The Lion King, it means no worries.  I do not have to worry severely about things because I know that my heavenly father is with me and will aid me when I call.  It is Awesome.  God is Awesome.

    So, I have been actively involved in my faith for quite some time hence my loyalty to the Father is deep.  In fact, we are like that. We are tight. I chill with Him, and He chills with me. Tight huh? The creator of the universe and little old me... mad tight. And there's more. I enjoy every moment of it, even when the world tests my loyalty.  These periods of time are not themselves enjoyable but when their time passes and I succeed with the aid of my Lord, the feeling of satisfaction is phenomenal.  He will never leave you nor forsake you <-- this is His promise to us.  He makes many promises and all He keeps for He cannot lie.   For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life -- John 3:16. Talk about love huh?

    I've been involved in my youth group.  In Middle School I was in the Christian Club.  In High School I was a group Leader in the club called FCA - Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and I also attended Bible study on Mondays with a small group of friends.  Shoutout to Brother Ken, I love you man.   Brother Ken led the Bible study showing us things in the Bible that make you think and learn.  He based all he shared on the Word.  Anything he stated he showed with the Word because the Word is truth.  He always says, "Don't take my word for it.  Read the Word."   The Word is the Bible.  In the Bible, it says in John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."   Reading the Word is like reading God.  You learn who He is, what He is about, and what He has for you.  What He has for you is great.   Here at MIT, I am part of Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship.  I am a Student Leader there and currently lead a Bible Study in my fraternity (say WHAT!? yup, yup. Nothing is impossible with Pops). The church I go to is called New Covenant Christian Church.  It is off the hook. Heh heh =|;?)

    I live with no worries because I know there is a better place.  My time here is only temporary.  My time with the Father is eternity.   So why worry about worldly things?  Exactly, there is no need to.  Just live and do what is right.  Learn about God and walk the walk, achieve in society, excell in school, dignify yourself, support your family, aid your friends, help the poor, be generous, be kind, be compassionate.  You see, when problems come your way, look to God.  When good comes your way, look to God.  Always keep God as number one and everything will be good.  Look to the Father.

what would Jesus do
